3 Focus Points For Complete Lifestyle Management


To achieve something we must first be clear about what it is: What is Organized Living? What would it look like? What would it really be like to get, be and stay truly organized?

Think for a moment about goal setting. You can set goals right? Yet without being organized goals are disheartening aren’t they?

Organized living requires knowing what, where, and how to spend your time and energy. Being organized brings success… Being successful means being organized… If you are badly organized, so are the results you get from life. Goals require being organized, but people often neglect diligent preparation, so so they fail to achieve the lifestyle they seek? They can never achieve organized living through focusing on goals without also having organization as a priority. There has to be a high degree of focus on organization.

What is it that you wish to do with your life? What score would you give yourself right now for your level of lifestyle satisfaction? What are your own specific results right now for your health, security, wealth, intelligence, relationships, and career?

If things were a bit better organized in each of those areas for you, what better results would you be getting? (You don’t need to spend long on this question to so easily appreciate that being organized is a big key to success)

Consider life as having three realms to be managed: mental, emotional and physical. From this background of knowing what what you want, the next step towards such a lifestyle is learning how to do it. Who said this is rocket science? Organizing the home, your career, and having an enjoyable social life can seem like great big obstacles.

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You’ve got to break down those 3 areas of life into their own separate ‘departments’. As examples, a big area to organize home is garage organization. Career organization might for you include office furniture, organizing files on computer and what about that email! And your personal life, well, that’s just personal. But you get the point. You will also use technology to help manage your lifestyle, from GPS in-car navigation devices to mind machines which influence brain waves, and HD pocket-size camcorders allowing you to capture memories on the fly.