
You Have Type 2 Diabetes – Now What Are You Going to Do About Lifestyle Choices?


It really is not a secret that Type 2 diabetes has very quickly become the largest epidemic of our time. ...

How To Save Money On Health Insurance


Health Insurance is imperative for your daily savings and expenses. One can fall ill at any unexpected time, causing misery ...

Benefits of Personal Health Records


Gone are the days when people used to carry their health records in unwieldy files when visiting a doctor. The ...

Health Diary – A Friend In Need


We keep a diary for various reasons, to reflect on happy and sad memories in our personal life and to ...

What Is The Big, Fat Health And Fitness Lie?


Kevin: Good evening, everyone. So Craig, you’ve been in the fitness industry for over 26 years and with that, I imagine ...

Illinois HIPAA Health Insurance Plans – What You Need to Know About the IL HIPAA Regulations


The Illinois HIPAA health insurance laws are designed to protect the health care rights of all Illinois residents and prevent ...

Replace Your Files With an Electronic Health Diary


Empty your cupboards; full of pages containing all your health information and files where you have stored all your health ...

The Increasing Surge of Health Care


While sitting back in her blue jeans and wearing a heavy workout sweater at the Legacy Emanuel Hospital’s Emergency room, ...

Denied Individual Health Insurance Coverage? Reasons For Health Insurance Coverage to Be Denied


What should you do if you have been denied health insurance coverage? What options do you have if you have ...

Health Insurance Terms and Definitions


One of the biggest problems for most people is simply understanding the health insurance benefits that they have. For the ...