How to Get Dental Veneers?


Usually three tips to the dentist will get you a dental veneer. The reason why it can be ideally broken down to three tips is anything but mysterious. The process entails a consultation in the beginning, a second visit to make the veneers and a third one to apply them. The veneering process can be used to fix one tooth or multiple teeth at once. The first step is that of diagnosis and planning of the treatment which necessitates an active participation from you. You should have a discussion with My La Mirada dentist about your expectations and he can chalk out a treatment plan accordingly. This appointment will help you decide whether it is dental veneers that you require and entail procedural examinations like x-rays and getting the impression of your mouth etc.

The second step is that of preparation where the customized veneer is prepared for you. About half a millimeter of enamel will be removed from the surface of your tooth – this amount is almost equal to the thickness required for your veneer. Now, whether you require a local anesthetic to numb the sensation in that area before the enamel is trimmed off is something you have to discuss with your dentist. The dentist will then take an impression of your tooth or teeth and make a model. The model has to then reach the dental laboratory which basically constructs the veneer. For the veneers to be made in the lab and then handed over to the dentist it usually takes about 2-4 weeks. However, if the teeth or a tooth is unsightly and you require a veneer immediately, then there are temporary veneers that can help you.

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Before cementing the dental veneer permanently to the tooth, the dentist places it temporarily to check the fit and color. In order to achieve the right fit, the dentist may need to remove and trim the veneer repeatedly. Even the color of the veneer can be adjusted to match the tooth perfectly using the proper shade of cement. Then your tooth will be cleaned, etched and polished to prepare it for receiving the veneer as it allows the tooth to roughen making the process of bonding strong and tight. For the veneer to be firmly positioned on your teeth it receives an application of a special kind of cement. After successfully placing the veneer, a special light beam is run through it in order to activate the chemicals that are present in the cement. The activated chemicals make the cement turn hard very quickly. The last step in this process is to remove the excess cement if there is any and most importantly, evaluating the bite and making the necessary changes to get everything right. Lastly, you may be asked to go for a follow-up visit which is really to evaluate the response of your oral cavity and the efficiency of the veneers.