Self-Esteem Therapy


Self-worth is an important measure of our happiness and success in all areas of life, such as work and relationships. If we don’t feel valued, it may lead to Self-Esteem Therapy depression or other negative consequences in our lives.

What is Self-Esteem? Self-esteem is the subjective perception of ourselves. A high self-esteem and positive opinion of oneself will lead to positive changes in our lives, not the opposite. Self-esteem can range from high to low depending on our success or failure. At Calmerry  counseling for self esteem, you will only be paired with a licensed therapist in your state who has been thoroughly vetted and approved. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed, having worked as clinical psychologists or marital/family therapists (LMFT), clinical social workers (LCSW/LMSW), or licensed professional counselors. All hold an advanced Master’s or Doctorate degree in their specialty areas. After completing their education, examination or training requirements, they are recognized and certified by their respective state bodies.

Self-esteem plays a significant role in how we think, feel and act. It shapes our relationships with other people as well as how we view ourselves. With confidence in ourselves and what others think about us, we don’t care what others think – which demonstrates how self-respectful we are and what others should think of us.

Self-acceptance is key for developing healthy self-esteem. Accepting our shortcomings and strengths does not imply we are arrogant or boastful; rather, it shows that we value and respect ourselves for who we are as individuals. A false sense of self-worth may develop in people with narcissistic tendencies when people exhibit arrogance or bragging behavior which reveals a lack of self-respect.

What causes self-worth?

Building self-esteem can be achieved. Receiving positive reinforcement early in life is the best way to foster feelings of worth later in life. Our self worth is heavily influenced by our thoughts, feelings, role models and how others react to us during formative years. Life experiences such as school can shape us, but it is largely determined by childhood interactions with those closest to us – such as parents, siblings and friends – that have the most influence. Low self-esteem can be caused by a variety of factors, such as abusive, controlling, judgmental or neglectful parenting; bullying from peers; and mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. When we don’t feel loved and valued unconditionally by our parents, it may lead to feelings of deep shame.

Signs and symptoms of low self-esteem

Low self-esteem often indicates that we don’t value ourselves, our opinions or needs as highly as others do. Self-critical individuals focus on perceived flaws and weaknesses while overlooking or dismissing strengths, skills, and success. We compare ourselves with others who appear more attractive, successful or capable than us; negative feedback may be difficult to accept and we may fear failure.

Self-esteem therapy can address symptoms such as feeling worthless and your life lacking purpose

  • Feeling inferior or incompetent; feeling unloved, generally unwanted or dislikable.
  • No longer relying on others for approval or opinions
  • Fear of rejection or dislike
  • Guilty feelings that are frequent or irrational
  • Self-criticism of other people
  • Indecision and self-doubt
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Self-destructive behaviour
  • Respect for others
  • Comparing yourself with others
  • Neglecting your needs and wants

Remaining in relationships that don’t provide love or investment

  • Hypersensitivity to criticism and defensiveness
  • It can be challenging to speak up, share opinions or set boundaries with people.
  • Frequent negative thoughts or emotions
  • Attraction to unhealthy relationships
  • Lack of trust within yourself
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Envy on others.

Difficulty initiating tasks or pursuing goals

You and others may have distorted views; lack of agency – the feeling that “I can’t” is more important than “I can”. Treatment for low self-esteem could include any combination of these symptoms.

Self-esteem can be enhanced through therapy and altering our behavior, beliefs and perceptions. Unfortunately, many people struggle with low self-worth from childhood onwards – making therapy an often necessary condition that must be treated in order to avoid mental health problems or even self-harm. If you are unhappy in your relationship, improving self-esteem could increase love for your partner; therapy often makes a huge difference in couples’ happiness levels and relationships.

A supportive, caring therapist can assist you in developing an accurate perspective of yourself and encouraging you to take chances and focus on finding positives to overcome low self-esteem.

Therapy to address self-worth issues is sometimes referred to as “person-centered”, meaning you work from within. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be utilized to combat low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.

How to Accommodate Low Self-Esteem Are you struggling with low self-esteem? Here’s some help:

You can boost your self-esteem by taking steps on your own, in addition to seeking individual psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy group therapy.

  • Monitor your negative self-talk
  • Meditation for mindfulness
  • Learn assertiveness in a class
  • Take chances to improve your skills and your performance
  • Make gratitude lists